Who has not encountered a situation where marketing executives from banks like ICICI or HBSC chase you for applying for a credit card, a personal loan or even a home loan. This could be in a mall, cinema hall even outside your office complex. They will even promise to give you wife a free credit card if you take one from them. You try your best to refuse as politely as possible , but they still keep on pestering you. You keep on saying no, they still keep pushing the envelope that extra little bit in hope that this may be that last push which will finally melt you. And you are left wondering where these people were when you actually wanted that gold credit card, or what the hell, for that matter any credit card. You did not know where to go and the bank where you hold a bank account seemed to be more interested in running after people in malls.
In more developed Internet economies you go to Internet, fill in a simple form on one of those many comparison sites and within some hours you have offers for best loans, best credit card deals suiting your needs. This is the power of Internet, get all the relevant information when you actually need it.
Similar presence of comparison sites are sorely missing in
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